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see you later

 For my last blog I've decided to compress everything I've learned in the class and share my most important take aways from this semester. First, I've enjoyed being in this class. I've agreed with some things and I've disagreed with a lot. But here's some things that I did learn and did agree with.  A theory is an explanation of something. It is a set of logically related proposals to explain how something happens or works. Different types of theories are: systems theory, exchange theory, symbolic interaction theory, conflict theory, etc. All of them do different things to theorize others.  Culture is a huge part of families and what makes a family a family. All families are different and so many things are more important to some families than other families. Some families mesh cultures when two people from different backgrounds get married.     Gender does matter in the sense that we are born to do different things. Female and Males brains are different. They t

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