How to survive off of a million dollars

         A million dollars?? Okay yes, that is an exaggeration. But for real, in this day and age people really struggle surviving off of 6 figures a year. But why? I feel like if I made 6 figures I'd be pretty well off and comfortable. I'd be able to not be stressed and cry when I have to spend 7 dollars on toothpaste and tampons at Walmart. Or want to throw up every time I have to get gas. I could go out to eat with my friends no problem, right? Or would it still be the same? How do we battle wether to live with 2 incomes or 1 income? So many people think that both spouses have to work to even be able to survive. 

        I think there is an importance in both partners working as well as making sure they are also raising the kids. There is a balance. For me personally, I need to work. I need to stay busy with something and so I don't know how I would do as a stay at home mom full time. But I also see the importance of you raising your kids and not letting or making a nanny raise them. Or even them raising themselves. It is a very difficult balance that each couple needs to figure out. 

        When it comes to money, it is all about budgeting. Spending your money wisely and having self control is the key to living off of a single income house. Or even 2 incomes but just not making a lot of money to live in this society. One thing that I love is the white envelope budgeting technique. Setting aside a specific amount of money for everything that you need to pay for for the month and then after if you have left over money, giving each person an envelope with left over "no questions asked" money that they can spend however they please. This is something that I am going to do when I am married, especially for the first couple years while we are poor as freak. Setting priorities on the most important things to spend money on and then going form there. Also having an emergency fund, setting aside enough money to live off of for about 3 months in case of emergency, like loosing a job. 

        In Elder Marvin J Ashtons "One for the Money" Pamphlet he gives suggestions for improved personal and family financial management. These are: 1. Pay an honest tithing. If you keep the commandments no matter what, Heavenly Father will take care of you. 2. Learn to manage Money before it manages you. 3. Learn self discipline and self restraint when it comes to money. 4. Use a budget. 5. Teach family members early the importance of working and earning. 6. Teach children to make money decisions in keeping with their capacities to comprehend. 7. Teach each family member to contribute. 8. Make education to continuing process. 9. Work toward home ownership. 10. Appropriately involve yourself in an insurance program. 11. Understand the influence of the external forces on family finances and investments. 12. Make food storage and emergency preparedness.

        Before getting married it is so important to sit down and make a budget for everything and figure out all of your expenses on a monthly basis and set boundaries for money spending. It can prevent so many problems in the future and help to avoid difficult conversations when one spouse purchases something that is not quite in the budget. This can prevent so much stress in the future. It is possible to live off of low income or only 1 income, you just have to work for it!


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