Struggles of newly weds...

 So many people think that marriage is going to be so great and they just can't wait to be married to the love of their life. They can't wait to share a bed and cuddle all night and cook dinner together and watch movies and all the honeymoon phase things that you think about when you think of marriage. But people often skim over all of the struggles that will happen within the first month and year of marriage. 

There are many issues that are going to happen and a lot more issues if they aren't brought up and discussed before getting married. These things could include who does what chores around the house, how you like to sleep, eating habits, if they are clean or dirty, and so on. A lot of these are not that big of a deal and could be avoided and or fixed with a simple open conversation. But, many couples don't have these conversations (before hand and also while they are happening). These little problems cause so many divorces in couples rather than bigger issues such as financial problems or affairs. How dumb is that!!

A simple conversation about how you feel about a certain situation can get rid of a problem so easy and decrease the chances of divorce. That is a huge problem these days within married couples. Communication is key friends. You aren't going to get ANYWHERE in a relationship if you don't TALK. If you don't bring up things that bother you and you let it just bottle up until you explode. That is so bad. Also when you are discussing issues within a relationship it is sooo important to have an open mind when you are listening to your partner and not be stubborn. You aren't always right. So be loving, and pick your battles. Choose what hills you are willing to die on, and let everything else go. It's not worth it. 

One thing that I find interesting is how blended families parent. I know it's difficult, but how do they? In my opinion I think it is a lot of trial and error. When one person marries another who is divorced with kids while they have never been a parent before, they go into a marriage with kids already. That is two very big chances happening at once and can be a lot to handle. It takes lots of practice, communication, and maybe some tears haha. Even when two people who both have kids are divorced and get married its hard also. You have two different people with different parenting styles trying to figure out how to parent together while also being newly weds and needing time to grow together as a couple. 

A lot of times it takes many years to finally get into the grove of raising children from different parenting styles and for couples who don't have children and are simply getting married this is a great conversation to have before the wedding day. How do you believe is the best way to raise kids and how are we going to work together to raise children because if you can not agree on things that is something to look out for when you are really deciding if this is the person you want to marry. 

In conclusion, Communicate lots! Before, you get married, during your marriage, and especially when you start having kids. Couples are getting divorced here and there all the time because of the silly little things and it is so sad. So, communicate with your love and stay safe out there!


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