The Parent Test

         A new reality TV show on ABC displays all different types of parenting styles and tries to discover what type of parenting is the best of the best, top of the list, must parenting style. So what is the best? There is one way that everyone should parent their children in the whole world? In my opinion, the answer is no. I think many different parenting styles work for different people. Are there definite no's I think no-one should do? Of course. Don't abuse, don't neglect, don't assault in anyway. Do love, do cherish, and do support. 

       When it comes to parenting I believe that love is always number 1. Loving your children and making sure they know that they are loved by you. In whatever way that is. Everyone's love language in different. And that expands to all types of love not just romantically. Another thing I find important is support. Supporting your children in their dreams and aspirations in life. Their goals. Showing up for them and being proud of their achievements. That is one thing my parents are really good at. They have seven kids and they always make sure to show up to everything. I have never been worried about my parents not showing up. I had a dance show, they were there. A track meet? Cheering me on. My brothers soccer game? The whole family is there, my dad is the manager and my mom has the snacks. No matter what we have going on at least one of my parents are there for us. And that is something I love about my parents. Whatever hobbies we want to try, or goals we have, the support, help out, and cheer on. 

        Now what about discipline? What is the best way to discipline your kids? There really is no right or wrong answer. My dad was a marine and so when me and my siblings my age got in trouble my dad made us do wall sits. Now, over the years, my younger siblings don't get punished at all. Why is that? Well after seven kids, parents get lazy. And it's not necessarily all their fault. I mean raising that many kids takes a toll on you. And it's not even really the number of kids that matter. There is a stereotype about the youngest kid getting everything they want. They're the baby of the family, they are spoiled, they never get in trouble for anything. I really do honestly believe in this. I mean I've seen it in my own family, my friends families, other people, and it just makes sense. I mean I would be surprised if when I have kids I handle them all the exact same way no matter what number they are and when I have them. It's just not reasonable or realistic. We learn things after raising children. Things that didn't work that we need to do differently, or things we haven't done that we think we should start doing. It's all trial and error. 

        With that being said, everyone has different parenting styles and that is okay. As long as you are trying your best and loving your kids and teaching them as much as you can, you're doing good. 


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